For more than 15 years, we have been doing strategic planning, creative implementation, website development, and providing full digital marketing solutions, such as for Content Production, Digital Ads, Email Marketing, SEO & CRO, Influencer Marketing, Social Media Marketing. You will work directly with the most experienced talents in the industry.
Stucel is a digital marketing company based in Jakarta. It was co-founded in June 2005 by Felix and Lany. Felix was previously a web designer and web developer in Jakarta. Lany has had vast marketing experience throughout her career, working for companies ranging from online games, growing communities, to nation-wide skin care products. We continued to grow without losing the personal touch to cater to all of our client’s digital marketing needs. From organizations, SME to big corporations. Some of our clients:
Felix comes from technical and information system background. he holds degree in computer science and work as programmer in his early career; before built Stucel from the ground up. He's one of the first dot com bubble survivors and has been designing websites since late 90's. Stumbled into web design (again) at his late office career, quickly turned him to what he truly is. Fun fact: Felix had a rock band on 8th grade as guitarist / keyboardist until college. Second fun fact: He won't start a day without a cup of cappuccino.
Lany loves to interact with people with her winning personality. Usually, accompanied by green tea, she'll overview Stucel's operations. From projects, people, and finance. She holds a degree in information systems, but her passions are sales, content development, marketing, and promotion. That’s why, after graduating from university, her first job was as a Community Manager for an online game company. After 4 years, Lany took a career leap to a nation-wide skin care company as a Marketing Officer.
In Stucel, Andrew works as Digital Marketing officer. He oversees the growth of Stucel and drives the strategy development of global pitches. His industry experience span 10 years and includes software and website development, business development, business management, service quality assurance, training and support.
Graduated from Informatics Management Gunadarma University, April likes unique things and right on the target. Being to the point is her trademark. At work, she needs to coordinate with everyone to make sure every work activities run smoothly, including human resources. So, multitasking is not something new for April. She loves to sing (even though she said her voice is just ordinary). She also believes that anyone who is determined will be successful. Every weekend, besides taking care of her family, she also loves trying recipes from cookpad.
Starting her career in Social Media Marketing, Esti, who was a Business Student, joined the Digital Marketing field and enjoyed it ever since. She likes to learn new things for they always excite her. For her nothing is ever for nothing; it's either we learn or we earn. Fun fact: she likes surprises but is scared of balloons.
Graduated from Universitas Indonesia, Gigi has been managing some digital marketing projects for local and international companies for years. She always has passion in project management especially in the creative industry. She will turn challenges and new ideas into excitement, and of course, she will keep herself busy to stay sane. Since she was a toddler she was introduced to art and loved it ever since. Drawing is her top favorite thing, along with a sip of hot chocolate on a rainy day, it's enough to make her day complete.
Flo works at Stucel to create the jaw-dropping design materials. She put her passion and her strong will into branding design. Although her background was from Visual Communication Design at Binus University, she is a persistent learner to get to know new media technology. She also put her interest into dancing, cooking, and writing.
Irvan is responsible for eagle-eyeing the project developments. His day to day work is auditing and making reports of SEM clients. All about science fiction is his muse. He read lot of books, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Neil D Tyson, you name it. His background from IT web technology IBII makes him suitable with this job right now.
From his experience living on the technicolor internet, he has been constantly exposed to and engaged with online campaigns by brands he loves. At Stucel, he operates by x-raying clients marketing activities, customer demography, and competition. Based on the analysis, he produces innovation and creative strategies. He listens to Slipknot, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Trivium, Tame Impala, King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, Weezer, 311.
Fajar is a self-thought designer although he learned engineering in the school. He came from central Java and joined Stucel in early 2013. He listen to rock music, play some guitar in his spare times.
Jabal graduated from Digital Design major at International Design School. Before college, he already liked anything about Graphic Design, Pop Art and Posters, and that's the reason why he was so lazy about other subjects from elementary school until high school. He lives in Bogor but he has a South Jakarta ID Card, so technically he's not a Bogorian. His hobbies are playing video games, designing, exploring, and watching anime.
Zoei graduated with a Product Design degree, however she has always set her sights on other fields of design, such as UI/UX and Web Design, and her job at Stucel allows her to grow and explore those interests even further. During her spare time, you can find Zoei playing video games, reading fiction, or just chilling!
Rian was graduated from Computer Network Engineering. During school, he learned a lot about networks, operating systems and security systems. When joining Stucel, he was challenged to study in programming.
Nada used to work as a journalist, but her inadvertent entry into the world of digital marketing has made her loves this field. At first, she was stressed due to the job desc that was very different from her educational background, but she didn't give up. Since 2018, she has started to love the world of digital marketing. Now at Stucel, she joins the Social Media team and is working as Paid Ads Specialist.
Monic adalah seorang sarjana ekonomi yang ‘kecemplung’ di dunia social media marketing. Di masa kecilnya, dia memiliki minat yang besar dalam menulis dan pernah bermimpi untuk menjadi seorang penulis. Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, sekarang Monic bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang pemilik Kost-an di masa tuanya nanti. Fun fact: Monic adalah penyayang binatang, tapi dia benci semua jenis serangga.
Since college, Elsa has been fond of social media marketing and content creation. In addition to crafting content for her job, she also enjoys producing personal content related to traveling. She has a passion for trekking and aspires to become a content creator focused on travel experiences.
Reven graduated as a Bachelor of Economic & Business from Marketing Management major at Diponegoro University. As a college student, he already sensed a life calling as a Marketer, and thus he continued his marketing study by enrolling at RevoU Digital Marketing School. He is a true Jakartans, and a proud Southerner (JakSel Dude). His hobbies are playing video games, playing & composing musics, and marketing brainstormings
Fia adalah seorang Wordpress Developer di Stucel. Bagi orang yang baru mengenalnya, Fia mungkin terlihat pendiam, tetapi sebenarnya ia adalah seseorang yang tidak bisa diam. Fia suka musik, menyanyi, dan juga traveling. Sebelum bergabung bersama Stucel, ia sempat belajar UI Design dan menjadi asisten tenaga ahli.
Bowo adalah seorang manusia dari Jogja yang ingin kadang-kadang ingin menjadi superhero. Di Stucel, ia diberikan tanggung jawab untuk membuat website–khususnya pada bagian Backend Development. Selain programming, Bowo juga suka begadang (karena malam hari adalah waktu bekerja bagi seorang Programmer). Di akhir pekan, Bowo suka menghabiskan waktunya dengan bermain roller blade di jalan.
Yofan is interested in technology fields such as website development, data analysis, and AI. Since graduating from college, he has chosen to focus on pursuing web development, especially on the front-end side. Yofan is a passionate mountain climber. He has conquered mountains. His next item on his bucket list is Mount Rinjani.