The Reasons Behind Creative 404 Page

Hitting a page error frustrate visitors a bit. And for the site owners, it’s like having a real life coffee shop but you forgot to unlock the door in work hours. But in internet, we can always provide a friendly backdoor access for user to enter your “coffee shop”.
The 404 page is a standard HTTP response code telling the visitor’s browser that the page content is not available, deleted, or maybe changed address. The standard 404 page is just telling error in a less friendly way to the visitors, without easing the pain. By doing some creative design into 404 error pages, we can apologize and provide ‘back to home’ button to them. Providing second chance to re-engage a visitor. Sweeten the 404 pill a bit also by providing creative content for them.
Here’s some of the creative 404 page we did for clients.
Creative concept: IPPUDO is a ramen restaurant. Experiencing an error page feels like a finished bowl of good ramen. It’s disappointing. But in a good way!
Citraland Puri Serang
Creative concept: Citraland Puri Serang is real estate located in Serang. Serang regency is located towards the north of Banten province, faces Java sea. With tropical rainforst climate, with no dry season month. So, we thought, it’s easy to get lost in the sea because of the wind. Check out the compass, Eko made it moves!
Indika Energy
Creative concept: Indika Energy is integrated energy company. Experiencing an error page feels like there is no juice flowing the bulb – It’s dark. Yikes!
Citraland Megah Batam
Citraland Megah Batam is real estate located in Batam island. Having a GPS glitch while driving around the city to find the area feels browsing to an error page!
Citraland Makassar
Citraland Makassar is a real estate located in Sulawesi island with lots of beautiful beaches i.e Losari beach. We thought lost in the beach won’t be that bad 🙂
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