Our Second Office: We’re Headed To Sudirman!

We are thrilled to announce that we have opened our second office in CoHive Sona Topas Tower – South Jakarta. Woohoo!
Over the past three years, Stucel has doubled in size. In 2016, our team consisted of only 12 people and we have grown to our current number of 21! This growth has exceeded our expectations and our office capacity. So, we think a new space would be great?
That aside, we have always wanted to get closer to the creative creatures beyond North Jakarta. We hope by having a second office that is located in the heart of Jakarta, we can serve you even better in the future!
Currently, our new space have a capacity of 4-5 people, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t add more in the future. Our members in this office will be focusing on managing social media, search engine marketing, and content creation. Or let’s just call them, Super Content Troops? Yes, they are!
We will be glad if you want to stop by for a little chat and play. Also, no worries for you who still want to visit us in Kelapa Gading, we are still at the same address. Don’t mind to stop by, okay?
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